Saturday, October 29, 2016

An adorable monster

I will create an adorable monster if I can do it.Although it sound ambivalently, that is its special point originally.It is called Sesame due to the size the same as sesame in its original state with a beige color of skin .Horribly, when it turn into an another statue that it is as big as a door with 4 hands , 2 feet and an ugly face. Many people were scared by its face possessing 3 eyes which one is on the rear of its head.This is the reason why it can understand more about human form varying perspective,which cause peoples are unwilling to contact with it. Therefore, it always live in the tree or housetop,which is convenient for it to observe human.According to its observation, it will be able to analyze their behavior.However,it will judge who is a human with a beautiful mind. Interestingly ,it is going to help decent man silently by utilizing its sesame state.As I know, this just is an adorable monster.

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